Mosaic governance: A multi-method approach for engaging diverse groups in the planning of green spaces and meeting spots
New Report Available in Swedish and English. The aim of this synthesis fact sheet is to present a sustainable spatial planning framework for revitalising green spaces and meeting spots for social inclusion, biodiversity and well-being, [...]
Invitation to Book Launch Webinar – Changing Senses of Place: Navigating Global Challenges
You are cordially invited to the book launch where you will hear from the editors of Changing Senses of Place: Navigating Global Challenges who will address the vital question of how to navigate the contested forces of [...]
Current Challenges and Future Opportunities of Ronna, a district in the Södertälje municipality
Participatory processes which allow for a meaningful engagement across diverse groups of stakeholders are relevant and much welcome in the context planning for more sustainable living environments. But what form such participatory process should have [...]
Bedömning av sociala och ekologiska värden i Lorensborg och Belleveugården, Malmö och Ronna, Södertalje
⇒ Bedömning av sociala och ekologiska värden i Lorensborg och Belleveugården, Malmö och Ronna, Södertalje VIVA-PLAN är ett 3-årigt forskningsprojekt som finansieras av FORMAS och handlar om hållbar fysisk planering. Det syftar till att skapa [...]