Authors: Buijs A., Rodela R., Gulsrud N., Diduck A., Blomquist E., Stålhammar S., Raymond C.M.

We just published a document describing the VIVA-PLAN hackathon approach!

A key element in the VIVA-PLAN case-study approach is the use of two hackathons in each of the case-study areas Urbanplanen (Copenhagen) and Ronna (Södertälje). Traditionally, a hackathon is a multi-day event in which a diverse set of experts and stakeholders is brought together to develop initial solutions to complex problems. Within VIVA-PLAN, the hackathon approach is used to collaboratively find solutions for complex issues related to spatial urban planning at a local scale. The VIVA-PLAN hackathons are embedded within the wider VIVA-PLAN multi-methods approach, featuring a diverse array of social science methods to elucidate local practices related to urban green spaces, including ethnographic investigations, socio-ecological value mapping, interviews and focus-groups and ecological mapping. This document describes the VIVA-PLAN hackathon approach and how the two hackathons are implemented in each of the case-study areas.

For more information please see here.