VIVA-PLAN Kick-off Meeting
6 February, 2019 - 7 February, 2019
Please see the Meeting outcome for additional information.
The VIVA-PLAN Kick-off meeting will be held at Kurvemagerstien 61a, 2300 København S. and starts at 9:30 AM.
This meeting will be a platform to enable knowledge sharing and networking between researchers, practitioners and actors from the study sites of Copenhagen, Malmö and Södertälje. The aims of the VIVA-PLAN project will be presented and related to possible application on the topics of sustainability, security and inclusion in cities and communities. This will be followed by presentations, ‘Q and A’s’, and focus group discussions, as well as a visit to Urbanplanen.
A preliminary program is presented below
9:30 – 10:00 |
Morning coffee, light refreshments, and informal introductions |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Welcome to the meeting and introduction to VIVA-PLAN by Professor Christopher Raymond (VIVA-PLAN lead) and Assistant Professor Natalie Marie Gulsrud (co-lead) |
10:30 – 11:00 |
Green governance in the non-profit housing association 3B by Stephane Parize, Social advisor in 3B |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Questions and discussion in plenum |
11:30 – 12:00 |
Student presentations on social and ecological revitalization in Urbanplanen |
12:00 – 12:30 |
Green fellowship and green meeting spots: The Municipality of Copenhagen urban renewal project Sundby by Anne-Mette Hjøllund Madsen |
12:30 – 13:30 |
Catered lunch |
13:30 – 15.30 |
Knowledge alliance focus group discussions |
15:45 – 17:00 |
Walk and talk around Urbanplanen with local youth – refreshments will be served |
17:00– 18:00 |
Reflection on outcomes and next steps |
18.30 |
Dinner (18:30 onwards) |
Please RSVP to Natalie Gulsrud at nagu@ign.ku.dk by February 1, 2019