In-between spaces
In WP1, we will develop a mixed-methods technique for assessing the extent and quality of in-between spaces in the three study sites of Copenhagen, Malmö and Södertalje.
Outcome: a baseline inventory of social and ecological values for in-between spaces currently unavailable to city planners, which can be used for informing the future design and management of in-between spaces at a district level.

Social inclusion and well-being
In WP2, we will develop new photo elicitation techniques and social network tools to engage children, the elderly and migrants.
Outcome: Land-use planners and developers can use the results to create environments that are friendly to the needs of children, the elderly and new migrant groups.
Mosaic governance
In WP3, we will examine the impact of mosaic governance on perceptions of biodiversity, social inclusion, and well-being by co-designing or using applied projects in in-between spaces. Mosaic governance refers to a governance approach based on multi-form partnerships between self-organizing local residents and varied cross-sector actors caring for urban spaces (see: Buijs et al, 2018).
Outcome: Social learning among multiple actors about how to design and manage in-between spaces for social inclusion, biodiversity and well-being.

Source of figure: Buijs et al. (2018)